Thursday, August 26, 2010

College Life: Week 1

Well, my first week of Fall Semester will be over tomorrow morning at 10:00am. I think it's safe to say that so far, so good. I'm actually ahead in all of my classes right now; I finished things by Monday night that weren't due until Friday or the weekend. I'd really like to keep this sort of behavior up, but typically I wind up not caring by the middle of semester. I've never really understood why I do this each and every year, and it's been happening for as long as I can remember. Halfway through I just don't give a flying fuck!

Part of it is lack of stimulation. Some subjects don't meet my expectations, some I find that I'm too advanced for, and some are just plain BORING. Whatever the reason behind it is, if I don't feel stimulated enough, I stop trying. I skated through most of elementary and all of middle and high school on this method. Surprisingly enough, it works really well.

Enter: College. In college, my technique doesn't work so well. I found that out the hard way the semester after having my first child. I thought that skating through the semester would earn me C's and B's, like usual.. but by midterm, I was failing. A lot. Maybe it was the combination of an infant, school, and a job. Maybe they were hard classes. My theory is that college is harder than high school because it isn't mandatory. Also, because it isn't governed by bullshit mandates (read: No Child Left Behind).

Whatever the case may be, I dropped out. And now I'm back! I know what I want from life, and my plans require a college degree. Well, more than one, technically. As I said at the beginning, so far so good. I'm doing well in my classes and I hope by the time I reach midterms, I'll still be trying just as hard. This time I know what I want, and I know what it will take.

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